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under operating condition中文是什么意思

用"under operating condition"造句"under operating condition"怎么读"under operating condition" in a sentence


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  • The constructor insisted on his device being tested under operating conditions
  • Due to its active probe heads including a trigger output for protocol - synchronous recording at the oscilloscope reactionless measuring under operating conditions of your plant can be executed
  • Preliminary design of an aqueduct of south - to - north water transfer project was analyzed by 3d - fem ; and the whole structure ' s deformation and stress distribution under operating conditions are obtained
  • It provides design engineers with the ability to test conceptual designs under operating conditions that might be impractical to duplicate with a physical model , and obtain data at locations that might otherwise be inaccessible for monitoring
  • The purpose of this paper is to introduce the most important methods available for the prediction of pressure drop in venturi scrubbers in addition , the predicted values of various methods are compared with the experimental data from venturi scrubbers of different sizes under operating conditions for the purpose of providing theory groundwork for practical design
用"under operating condition"造句  
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